Pointing To The Future
15th April 2022 | Written by Katherine Templar Lewis
Futurists today tell us music will most likely follow the same trends we are seeing in modern technology. Firstly it will become increasingly computer-based and A.I. Secondly, increasingly functional and lastly it will increasingly utilise breakthroughs in science and technology.
But my provocation is this: Music is one of the most fundamental technologies we have. We evolved to communicate emotion in sound and that became a language. We then learn to mimic these sounds, first with our own voices singing and then with instruments we crafted.
‘Music is an empathy machine of it’s own technology, directly interfering with our nervous system, brain and emotions.
Translate emotions from musician to listener. Across a night of incredible speakers and practitioners at THE FUTURE IS SOUND we explored exactly this, that as technology itself, music has always been functional? All too often ignored ancient wisdom and technology has always been used to make it so. By thinking of this future as simply wrapped up in modern technology we are throwing out incredible insight from music makers of our past.
And yes, neuroscience is uncovering some of the mechanisms behind how music impacts us, and yes, maybe that can lead to better use of music functionally, but there are many things science hasn't proved about how music works that should not be ignored, which creative intuition can teach us through and that have genuine impact.
We must be careful of the limitations of science, if it becomes reductive and does not allow for creativity, exploration and expansion we are doomed. This is why we need more events like this, ones that create a dialogue between disciplines, share knowledge, seek to understand how to combine ancient wisdom and new technologies, and collectively create the future we need.
It was a genuine privilege to stand on stage amongst such a talented, curious, open-minded, and passionate group of musicians, who have all come together to share their knowledge on how to use music as a tool for healing, connection, and change. Jimmy Kyriacou has done more than host a wonderful and inspiring night, he has created more than just a community, he has created a movement.